Here we go, then.
My first Tin Whistle Challenge was The Sporting Pitchfork. I have been practising through the week, when work and family have allowed (“you’re not playing that tune again?!”), so here is the result:
…erm, or not, as the case may be.
It’s not a fantastic start to my challenge, but I’m not going to be able to post my recording till later in the week.
I have been practising, but I am currently staying away from home, for work, and I had planned to make my recording whilst staying in the hotel. After lots of wandering round trying to find a good spot to record in, I have discovered that the microphone on my phone – whilst suitable for basic phone calls – is not up to this task.
Sounds like a poor excuse? Maybe. But I won’t be able to make a proper recording till later in the week when I’m home.
So, to try to establish a habit of recording and publishing each week, I am posting this excuse. 🙂